We came home and put Lil C down to nap, and got busy on staring at a gaping hole in the house and coming up with a plan. I scribbled notes, and Hubs measured everything. Sixteen different ways. Seven times each. Okay, not really, but it seemed like it to me!
Then we woke up Lil C, and they went out in the yard and brought back this for me!
Then we went back out to Lowe's and bought all of this and more.
The black wheelbarrow is new, and the yellow one is borrowed from a sweet neighbor. Also notice the stack of blocks in the upper right. There's another stack on the other side of the yellow wheelbarrow - 21 blocks total. That should get a good base for the entire back basement wall.
I'm not going to bore you with words about how Hubs plans to do all this - I'll just be sure to take lots and LOTS of pix along the way!
h i k tista, this is just a comment, you mom showed me where it was. i was commenting on that sweet picture of caroline from mothersday. we are together today just like we were quilying(which we are nor) I AMENJOYING YOUR BLOG ESPECIALLY YOUR COMENTS ON HUBS.more later, Ina